Mt. Washington Attempt

Fun Times in the Whites

We did a small hike up to Chocorua to test our gear on Saturday and then pushed for an intense long hike up to Washington the on Sunday! Didn't get as far as we wanted, but fun was had!

For more photos and videos checkout the full photo album here!: Google Photos Album

Gear: Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches & Warm Clothing!
Who?: Sai, Ciara, Osman, Susan, Samuel
Date: November 2019

This is the best and only way to prepare for any trip. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches!!!

My favorite picture of the whole trip- got this amazing picture of a Grey Jay who apparently has become used to feeding off of the scraps from hikers. I don't approve of feeding the wildlife, but it did get me this great photo.